about us

Established in 2018, Directors Trevor Yeoman and Michael Stanford began Sproutt with a vision of an engineering, design and infrastructure asset management consultancy that provides creative and pragmatic solutions to enhance our communities.

Sproutt has since completed more than 250 projects for Local Government, State Government and Private Sector clients across South Australia, Queensland and Victoria from our Adelaide office.

Trevor Yeoman Sproutt Director Adelaide South Australia

trevor yeoman

Trevor brings to Sproutt over twenty years’ experience across Infrastructure Asset Management, GIS, and Engineering Management.

Trevor has a wealth of industry knowledge across Local and State Government Authorities, both nationally and internationally, enabling him to provide expert advice across industries and sectors. His strengths are in strategic guidance, management, and maintaining excellent service delivery to client expectations.

Michael Stanford Sproutt Director Adelaide South Australia

michael stanford

Michael brings to Sproutt over ten years’ experience in Infrastructure Asset Management, Engineering, and GIS, and has delivered projects across Local, State and Federal Government Authorities. Experience from these projects covers both the management of both small and large-scale data collection and assessment exercises across many infrastructure types, through to the delivery of strategic plans, management, and advice. Michael strengths are in the detailed planning and delivery of complex project logistics, processes, and deliverables.

lisel mcleay

principal landscape architect

Nadia Yeoman Sproutt Senior Traffic Engineer

nadia yeoman

senior traffic engineer

Szeman Wong Sproutt Financial Infrastructure Advisor

szeman wong

chief financial officer

david floreani
geospatial principal

David brings 20 years’ Geospatial experience to Sproutt. He has the rare combination of technical delivery across both government and private sectors, team and project management, as well as extensive sales and sales management experience. 

David’s national roles have positioned him as one of Australia’s thought leaders in the application of GIS in Local Government. David joins Sproutt on a mission to provide a GIS capability for any organisation that wants one but are challenged to resource their own.