integrated specialist asset management

YMCA Victoria

Sproutt was asked by YMCA Victoria to partner with the organisation and supply in-house asset management specialist advice. This requirement was set by Sports and Recreation Victoria as a provision of the awarded 20 year SRV camps management contract.

The ongoing contract requires Sproutt to:

  • Provide year on year support

  • Undertake onsite assessments to develop an asset database for all assets at all camps

  • Validated maintenance and renewal forward works plans for all camps

  • Asset Management System (data warehouse and dashboard) for interfacing with and updating the asset information and works plans.

  • Answer / query / respond to third party assessment backlog works queries to satisfy contract terms.

We engaged in an open journey of discovery between Sproutt and the YMCA, as an asset management maturity review was undertaken across the Camps teams, with recommendations provided and a long term strategy / pathway identified to increase asset management maturity for the organisation.

The key recommendations from the review were to develop an asset management information system, along with core asset management processes and procedures to be implemented. This required asset condition audits and a subsequent asset repository to be built.

Sproutt developed an SQL data warehouse and corresponding Power BI and dashboard interface for the querying of the captured asset data and works plans. This was a cost and time effective solution to realise an Asset Management Information System that met the clients core needs.

We’ve produced a detailed componentised condition audit of all assets; buildings, civil, & sports and recreation and an Asset Management System developed by Sproutt and bespoke to the client’s requirements.

In the delivery of this project, we’ve overcome impacts from the pandemic on the recreation camps and integrated with the diverse group of stakeholders involved to create a single source of truth of asset data and costs that could be agreed by all parties as the basis for the ongoing management of the contract


stormwater culvert maintenance inspections & emergency flooding response


GIS capital works dashboard