GIS fire mapping dashboards

District Council of Karoonda East Murray

Sproutt was engaged by the District Council of Karoonda East Murray to Produce various Council asset management platforms using their ESRI ArcGIS Online platform. In the form of a Patrol Grading Map and Fire Response Map. The aim of these maps was to provide a visual management tool of Council’s assets to better maintain and manage their unsealed road network and fire safety responsibilities around the council area.

The Road Grading Map detailed Council’s unsealed road network with information of when they were last graded highlighted to provide better management and visibility to the public.

The Fire Response Map allowed Council to audit and respond to high fire risk parcels of land to help prevent the spread of a potential bushfire.

We utilised Council’s Esri ArcGIS Online platform, Spatial Road Data and tabular information to construct these maps. This allows Council to maintain, update and control their own data and carry out works when required. This way also allows the visibility within Council to present their work with live visual data to stakeholders, Council Members and works staff.

The public is also able to view the road grading map in an intuitive informative way with easy access simple structure that allows them to understand councils road grading schedule from the Council Website.


GIS capital works dashboard


ormerod road, naracoorte upgrade