gawler east link road asset capitalisation

Department for Infrastructure and Transport

DIT commissioned Sproutt to assist the department to capitalise all assets associated with the Gawler East Link Road (GELR) project for the Town of Gawler. Sproutt developed and applied logical methodologies on the cost apportionment of asset components on the entire GELR project, enabling the Town of Gawler to capitalise their assets in- house.

We delivered:

  • An Analysis of Town of Gawler’s Capitalisation Policies and Procedures.

  • Reformatted spreadsheet’s configuration to a desired dataset to perform breakdown of assets.

  • Break down and reconciliation of individual roads into separate tabs and applying related attributes and percentage apportionment on simple and complex items.

  • Verified expenses against the as constructed plans.

  • Reporting on discrepancies between as constructed plans, costs and what we have been able to validate on site.

  • Separated simple items from the schedule that are location specific.

  • Apportioned variations to locations and category as applicable.


building asset management plan


asset and financial plans support